AVID is a 4-year program for students who want to attend a four-year university, but could benefit from a community of like-minded students to help get them there. Many AVID students are from under-represented backgrounds or will be the first in their family to attend college. The goal of the AVID program is to give motivated students the tools to do well in high school and prepare them for a rigorous college curriculum so they will be ready to succeed when they get there. We do this through organizational skills, note-taking and study strategies, improving reading and writing, tutorials, community service, and building a positive community in the classroom. Each AVID class teacher stays with the same group of students from their freshman year until they graduate from high school.

AVID Juniors and Seniors college visit to San Francisco State and University of San Francisco (March 2020).

See the AVID student profile below. 8th grade students are identified in their spring semester and will receive a letter in the mail inviting them to apply for AVID. Any student can apply for the AVID Program, but must have at least a 2.5 GPA and meet at least one of the criteria listed below. Current high school students can apply to be in the AVID program when they meet with their School Counselor in the spring semester to pick their classes for the following year.


Students With Academic Potential:

  • Average to high test scores
  • 2.5-3.5 GPA
  • College potential with support
  • Desire and determination

Meets One or More of the Following AVID Criteria:

  • First to attend college
  • Historically underserved in four-year colleges
  • Low income
  • Special circumstances

AVID Coordinator: Mary McGurke – [email protected]

AVID Counselor: Julia Embry – [email protected]

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