AP Parent Night Slide Show


San Marin High School strives to provide an academic environment allowing our students to reach and exceed their limits. The Advanced Placement (AP) Program offers high school students in grades 10-12 a more rigorous academic curriculum in which they can take university-level courses. Students will demonstrate mastery of the advanced material through nationally standardized AP exams and ultimately be eligible for university credits. To learn more about AP Credits visit the College Board AP Credit website.

AP students improve their writing skills, sharpen their problem solving techniques, further their reasoning and analysis and develop the study habits necessary for the demands of university.

The content of AP courses is more sophisticated than that in typical secondary school courses. Students will practice analyzing content, drawing comparisons, and reasoning through problems. They must be able to read perceptively and independently and learn to be proficient in writing clear, concise essays.

Benefits of Taking an Advanced Placement program:

  1. Provide students with more challenging environment and curriculum by introducing them to college level work
  2. Allow colleges to identify and distinguish the students as willing to take challenges and push their limits at college application time
  3. Allow the students who passed the nationally administered AP tests to earn college credits at participating colleges
  4. Provide great opportunities for the students to be eligible for scholastic awards
  5. Provide a weighted grade point at college application time. For example, a weighted grade of AP course ‘A’ earns 5.0 grade instead of 4.0.

San Marin High School offers the following Advanced Placement programs:

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